Sandy car wash
Sandy car wash
Swipe N Shine is your best local Sandy car wash. They offer one-stop services for you or your company vehicles at their new updated facilities. They don’t just offer the best car wash in Salt Lake Valley, they also offer auto repair; emission and inspections; and on the spot renewal for all your vehicles. Talk about having it all!
This Sandy car wash makes it easy to stop and wash with their convenient WashCard® System. Now all you have to do is swipe, wash, and earn awesome reward points as you go. Don’t mess with the hassle of correct change and faulty systems at other Sandy car wash facilities. Come to Swipe N Shine and see the difference in user-friendly, convenient pay methods. Click here to learn more.
Located at 4832 S. Murray Blvd | Murray, UT 84123. It is worth the drive for the best in Sandy car wash.