About Us

Here is a little bit about us. Swipe-N-Shine Carwash is a state of the art, modern carwash facility that focuses on providing the most user-friendly, and convenient pay methods available to date, along with the highest quality equipment and services available to the consumer.

swipenshinesignSwipe-N-Shine Carwash is also focused on preserving the environment, and creating a feeling of safety among its customers. The owners have business owners in the services industries for more than twenty years. They combines their experience, expertise, and knowledge to provide the best carwash experience in the Salt Lake Valley. Separating their company and concept from his competition is paramount. He wants all customers to leave their site completely satisfied and confident that they have received the best experience along with the most innovative wash technology available in the world.

Swipe-N-Shine offers its customers complete safety and security with its 32 camera, 24 hour surveillance system that is monitored onsite and online. We want to make sure our customers feel comfortable and safe while washing their vehicles any hour of the day!